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» Unbedingte Empfehlung! «, 2024

» Vormarsch der Kräfte des Bösen «

Journal Frankfurt, 2024

» Filmfans und Genre-Enthusiasten aus ganz Deutschland bekommen wieder die volle Ladung Wahnsinn. «

Der Watchdog, 2024

» From dark to disturbing «

LIFT Stuttgart, 2023

» provocative and innovative cinema «


» The Fantasy Filmfest shows genre as a cosmos of possibilities. Because "genre film" is cinema in its purest form. «

Münchner Merkur / TZ München, 2023

» House of Horrors - Fantasy Film Festival at Zoopalast brings cat killing ladies to the big screen and a larger-than-life spook into the house. «

taz, 2023

» Where cat ladies and dog lovers unite - Fantasy Filmfest convinces with hard action and unsubstantiated nonsense ... A far above average edition for Fantasy Filmfest. Chapeau! «

Stadtrevue Köln, 2023

» Thrilling genre cinema for film fans with strong nerves. «

AZ München, 2023

» Make yourself at home - and be afraid ... one thing is guaranteed: highly appealing and exciting film enjoyment away from the mainstream. «

Hamburger Morgenpost, 2023

» Cinematic survival training ... Cinema is not only there to distract us, it can also help us live our lives. This is proven by the Fantasy Filmfest, which deals in its usual unorthodox way with the suppression of female lust for life, the horror of refugees and the longing for eternal life. «

Stuttgarter Zeitung / Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 2023

» Repulsively touching: the 37th Fantasy Filmfest. «

FAZ, 2023

" At Fantasy Filmfest Nights, classic horror meets clever storytelling and extraordinary characters. ", 2023

» The Fantasy Filmfest Nights offer a colourful genre mix of horror, thrill and action. «

Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 2023

» The broad field of fantastic film from around the world. From experimental arthouse to glossy trash, it's all here. «, 2023

» There's always time for a scary story. «

Filmrezensionen, 2023

» Madness meets ludacracy. «

AZ, 2023

» Look into my blood-red eyes, little one! The Fantasy Filmfest Nights once again offer a rich programme for shudder fans.  «

Münchner Merkur, 2023

» A mix of shocks and gags! «

FAZ, 2022

» Cultivated horror. «

Hamburger Morgenpost, 2022

» Playing with fear – the 36th edition of the Fantasy Filmfest again promises film experiences that are not for the faint of heart. «

AZ München, 2022

» Self-promotion on social networks, bullying, loneliness: the Fantasy Filmfest has its finger on the pulse of the times. Instead of girls just screaming, several horror films this year feature humiliated women who fight back. «

Stuttgarter Zeitung, Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Esslinger Zeitung, 2022

» The programme ranges from sensitive science fiction and anti-fascist fantasy to sometimes gory black comedies, trashy splatter, hard-hitting action to frightening horror shockers and films full of dark violence. «

Neues Deutschland, 2022

» Vacations to fear. «

SZ, 2022

» From horror to thrillers to sci fi, Berlin’s one and only Fantasy Filmfest returns with a cutting-edge program catering to all tastes.“ – „… expect a packed eight day of thrills and fun – not only for fantasy film aficionados. The innovative programming means that you are likely to see some of the most divers cuts, from intense horror films, to breath-taking thriller, to idiosyncratic sci fi with dramatic stories of heartbreak. «

ExBerliner, 2022

» The Fantasy Filmfest is back in town and brings you fantastic new films and insider tips of your favourite genres to the big screen. «

Rausgegangen, 2022

» There are no two ways about it, the Fantasy Filmfest is a must for fans of special cinema. «

DieZukunft, 2022

» One of the coolest independent film festivals."-"... unique genre films ranging from tense thrillers and tough horror shockers to soulful arthouse gems. «

Mit Vergnügen, 2022

» Zombies! Horror! Pigs! The "Fantasy Filmfest". «

mopo, 2021

» Joy everywhere, things are getting back to normal - although normality is not exactly high on the agenda at the Fantasy Filmfest. «

Nordbayern, 2021

» The Fantasy Filmfest has always known that genre can do more than have a few superheroes save the world or Arnold Schwarzenegger break something. «

taz, 2021

» The Fantasy Filmfest brings real cinema back to us! «, 2021

» Return to the cinema with aliens. The Fantasy Filmfest is renowned for genre shockers from all over the world. «

SZ, 2021

» The Fantasy Filmfest Nights XL are a great opportunity to finally be captivated by the fantastic on the big screen again and to collectively shudder with excitement after all this time. Even Shakespeare already knew: summer nights are fantasy nights. «

taz, 2021

» Everything is blurred. Artful chamber plays dominate the Fantasy Filmfest Nights XL in six major German cities. «

EPD Film, 2021

» After a long wait, the time has finally come: The Fantasy Filmfest Nights XL will be the first nationwide cinema event in 2021. And the makers have already made quite a splash even with this shorter program. There‘s something for every taste. «

Hamburger Morgenpost, 2021

» The fact that the Fantasy Filmfest does not get lost amidst the countless options is thanks to its clever mix of topics and a targeted search for exceptional gems of world cinema. ... The organisers keep showing us the wonderful universe cinema can open up. «

BZ, 2019

» ... but the true diversity of genre cinema is shown, as always, at the Fantasy Filmfest with its numerous independent productions. These no longer necessarily rely on massive amounts of blood and shrill effects, the horror now often approaches quietly. «

TIP, 2019

» Good against fear« »The wild genre mix of the Fantasy Film Festival offers a great escape from everyday life. «

Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2019

» Fantasy Filmfest – boundary-crossing good. «

Abendzeitung München, 2018

» Fear Good Movies. You don't have to be a nerd to love Fantasy Filmfest. «

In-münchen, 2018

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