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Seven festival cities - seven jury members - seven films" is the motto of this competition section, which focuses on European (co-)productions. The film selected by the seven jury members from Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, Nuremberg and Stuttgart will receive the FEAR GOOD AWARD and will be announced at the end of the festival. These are the films and the jury of 2024.

2024 - winner


jury statement

Skunk is the hardcore punk that will shake the system to its core. Intense, raw and direct, the story of teenager Liam unfolds to a horrific conclusion. The immersive production and lead actor Thibaud Dooms pull you right into the story - an emotional gut punch of a film that will make you cry, and not just for the pain.

Eine besondere Erwähnung geht an Maldoror, der ebenfalls großen Anklang in der Jury gefunden hat.

2024 – films

2024 – jury

alper k. turfan

is the presenter and producer of the public YouTube channel Cinema Strikes Back and founder of the production company Schattenwolf GmbH. Since 2018, the high-reach channel has been creating videos and podcasts about the world of film and series. In his free time, the Koblenz native writes books about GAME OF THRONES, writes a monthly column for the Sparkasse magazine and is a juror for various film festivals.

bibi blackcraft

Authorised signatory & Head of Sales Office & Media/Events at the radio network STAR FM Maximum Rock. - Passionate podcast host and producer of her favourite project STAR FM Creepy Hour (True Crime / Mystery / Horror). - Horror nerd, always on the lookout for like-minded people and the message that horror can offer much more than just gore.

carlos rincón

is a programmer and projectionist born in Venezuela, where he studied architecture. He has worked at the London Film School and the British Film Institute (BFI) in the UK. In Berlin, he co-curated the film programme 'Vogelbaum: Film as Subversive Art' and is currently part of the team at Wolf Kino.

daniel schröckert

worked in the electronic music industry after training in publishing and as an editor at Bauer Verlag. He has been a freelance film and entertainment journalist since 2009 and has hosted the cinema magazine Kino+ on Rocket Beans TV since 2014. He worked in the editorial offices of ‘Steven liebt Kino’ and ‘Gätjens großes Kino’ and hosted the ZDF magazine Filmgorillas from 2020 to 2023. He is also involved in the podcasts Bada Binge and Genre Geschehen.

jens gutfleisch

Since 2016, he has headed the Film Commission Region Stuttgart, a service and advice centre for all aspects of film production, an institution of Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH. He is also Chairman of the Board of the Haus für Film und Medien Stuttgart e.V. The association initiated and supports the construction and operation of the central cultural centre for moving images in Stuttgart.

lukas rinker

studied media design in Mainz and works as an advertising film maker and screenwriter. Born in Frankfurt, he is not only a huge genre fan, but has also recently become a feature film director. In 2022, he was able to shoot his debut film ACH DU SCHEISSE! in Offenbach, which was/will be broadcast in more than 50 countries worldwide. As a long-standing Fantasy Film Festival guest, he is looking forward to the current programme and heated jury debates.

sebastian niemann

is one of the few German directors and screenwriters who have specialised in genre films and blockbusters. After his international debut 7 DAYS TO LIVE, he wrote ratings history with the two-part DAS JESUS-VIDEO for Pro7 and was responsible for the HUI BUH family fantasy cinema hits. With JACK THE RIPPER, Niemann created the most successful SAT.1 in-house production of 2016.

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