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festivalpass bestellformular – münchen

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You are about to order a festival pass for the Fantasy Filmfest in Munich vom 10. bis 17.09.2025.
If you would like to order a festival pass for a different city, you can click here .
Change in the ordering process: The festival passes can only be ordered if the transfer confirmation or a receipt for the payment made is sent directly with the order. Payment can be made during the ordering process or prepared before ordering. Our account details:
To: Rosebud Entertainment GbR
IBAN: DE43 200 303 00 047 915 00 01
We can no longer accept orders for which the bank transfer is made afterterwards, nor by e-mail.

festival passes

Please select the number of festival passes you would like to order. The number includes your own, in case you are ordering for yourself.

Please indicate below for whom the festival pass(es) should be issued.

Current passport photo, JPG (no PDF) in high resolution, max. 10mb

Only photos where we can see you clearly, no sunglasses or hats please.

Please save the image under your first and last name, e.g. "Max Müller.jpg“

If you order several festival passes, we need a current photo of each person for the respective festival pass.

Bitte wähle hier die Größe für dein Festival T-Shirt aus. Aktuell sind nur Unisex T-Shirts verfügbar.

Bitte gib hier noch einmal alle Namen an, für die Festivalpässe bestellt werden, sowie die dazugehörige gewünschte T-Shirt Größe.

Name 1
Größe: S
Name 2
Größe: M
Name 3
Größe: XL

Order details



Please transfer the amount to the following account first:

To: Rosebud Entertainment GbR

IBAN: DE43 200 303 00 047 915 00 01



240,00 €


480,00 €


720,00 €


960,00 €


1200,00 €


1440,00 €
This is a preview of your order details. Please check your details again carefully and then click on the "Send order" button.

Order preview

E-mail address:

Street and house nr.:
ZIP code:
Federal state:

GDPR consent:
Number of festival passes:
Number of festival passes:
1. Name:
2. Name:
Number of festival passes:
1. Name:
2. Name:
3. Name:
Number of festival passes:
1. Name:
2. Name:
3. Name:
4. Name:
Number of festival passes:
1. Name:
2. Name:
3. Name:
4. Name:
5. Name:
Number of festival passes:
1. Name:
2. Name:
3. Name:
4. Name:
5. Name:
6. Name:
T-Shirt – Größe:
T-Shirt – Größen:
Festivalpass-Bild(er): ja
Überweisungsbestätigung: ja
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